I’m sad to say that I’ve been forced to withdraw from this weekend’s Olde City, New Blood conference in St. Augustine due to a family emergency. I apologize to all my readers who were looking forward to catching up with me. (I was looking forward to seeing all of you, too!!)
Sadly, I have to announce there will not be a third Alex book. Despite best efforts, my agent has been unable to find a publisher to take over the series.
For those who have asked “how can this be,” the facts are simple. Publishing is a numbers game. BLOOD LAW didn’t sell as well as the publisher hoped. The print run for BLOOD SECRETS was smaller but even it didn’t make projected numbers. Gone are the days when a book could sit on store shelves for weeks or even months in order to build an audience. The average lifespan for new books that aren’t written by Top Names and/or have movie deals/rumors buzzing about them is about 3-4 weeks–at best. Unfortunately, this means that if a book/series doesn’t find an audience immediately and sell a predetermined number of books, the series/author is dropped.
Shelf space is limited and publishers and book sellers want to turn profits. New authors are risky. New ideas are risky. Throw in the volatile nature of e-books and the risks are compounded. It’s business. It’s not personal. It’s simply the way things are. It’s no one’s fault. There is no one to blame.
Alex and Varik were a huge part of my life for years before their story was published. I’d be lying if I said I was anything other than devastated to see the series end after two books. However, I’m not the first author to lose a series nor will I be the last. All I can do now is decide how I’m going to move forward. No, I don’t know if there will be a short story or novella to wrap up loose ends. I hope to write an ending at some point but for now, I’m taking a little break from writing. I need time to sort out some things and in a way, say goodbye to Alex and Varik. How will replace them? I don’t know yet.
I enjoyed working with the fabulous editors I had for BLOOD LAW and BLOOD SECRETS, and I learned a helluva a lot from them. I enjoyed meeting many of you and for those I haven’t met in person but have come to know through Facebook, Twitter, and emails, I’ve enjoyed that as well. You’ll always be my Minions, and I’ll always be grateful for the support and love you’ve given to Alex and Varik…and to me.
My interview with Bitten By Books is now live, and I’m chatting with readers. Have a burning question? Come over and ask — you’ll also be entered to win some cool swag!
Bitten By Books: Interview with Author Jeannie Holmes
Be sure to follow the link below to enter for the swag!
2 Sets of Autographed Books: Blood Law, Blood Secrets, and The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 - I’ll be interviewed by Bitten By Books and chatting with readers. We have some awesome swag to give away to some lucky people: 2 sets of autographed books, including BLOOD LAW, BLOOD SECRETS, and THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF GHOST ROMANCE!
The contest is open to international readers so stop by and say “Hi!”
Follow the link below to RSVP and you’ll earn extra chances to win:
RSVP for Jeannie Holmes at Bitten By Books
I’m pleased to announce that I have a short story featured in the upcoming anthology MAMMOTH BOOK OF FUTURISTIC ROMANCE! Love conquers all… including natural disasters and alien invasions in this contemporary fiction collection.
My story, Flying is Faster, takes place on a distance world and details what happens when Ronan Frayne, a human doctor, falls for an alien girl, Dah’Te.
Look for it from Running Press, December 31, 2012.
ISBN-13: 978-0-762-44601-8
ISBN-10: 0-762-44601-3