New 2009 Event

I will be appearing at CoastCon 32 in March! Woohoo!

As a Mississippi native, I’m super excited about attending. CoastCon has been the premier event for science fiction and fantasy fans in the state for the past three decades. Being able to attend and promote CRIMSON SWAN is a dream come true.

I think I’ll have an extra cup of coffee this morning to celebrate.

  • Click here for more information regarding CoastCon 32, including a complete list of guests and events.

RT Convention Cancellation

Sorry, folks, but I’ve had to cancel my appearance at the Romantic Times BOOKlovers Convention for 2009 in Orlando, FL.

It’s a bummer. I was looking forward to seeing many of my fellow authors and friends and meeting some of my own personal faves for the first time. But, merde occureth. Hopefully, I’ll be able to attend next year, in 2010.

The rest of my 2009 conference schedule remains unchanged. In fact, I may be adding one or two local events along the Gulf Coast. I’ll post more info regarding these events as it becomes available.

For now, it’s back to CRIMSON SWAN edits and the deadline crunch.